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glasnost: beneficial or detrimental to the people?

The "Era of Glasnost" has allowed for greater contact between Soviet citizens and the Western world, particularly the United States. What does Gorbachev want to achieve? Western infiltration which may jeopardise the safety of the USSR?

It is clear that Glasnost is detrimental to our people. All these policies introduced by Gorbachev were just decorations for the gullible people.

Glasnost provides increased transparency within government institutions and activities within the Soviet Union which may in turn lead to the eventual downfall of the communist government. The public would come to know about the government's failure, purges and atrocities which have been suppressed in the past. Moreover, the greater contact between Soviet citizens and Western radio stations would expose them to life outside of the communist bloc, especially the supposedly better life in the West. Therefore, it would cause Soviet citizens to start to lose faith in the communist government, instead of rallying up their support of the communist government.

Since Glasnost is only implemented after the riots and protests of unhappy Soviet citizens, it encourages citizens to believe that protest is the only way to rally for change in the Soviet Union. When the government satisfies the demands of citizens when they protest, this leads to people wanting more from the government and resorting to more protests to achieve it. Hence, Glasnost will promote more aggression amongst Soviet citizens to protest and riot for more reforms in the future.

People are unhappy with the government due to their unfavourable livelihood. So what does Gorbachev do? Allow increased transparency in order to please the people such that the economic reform allows for trust with the government. However, there will be potential repercussions of satisfying the people, which will result in the loss of political influence. Implementing glasnost takes away power from the government and gives too much power to the people. People will ultimately demand more from the government and take advantage of their freedom to publish attacks on the government.

The communist party has power to bring upon what the people want, while sticking to our socialist beliefs. Right now, Glasnost will not lead to the improvement of socialism, but capitalist restoration. Instead, the government should set up boundaries in setting up glasnost and relax the glasnost policies, by allowing a controlled voice and state sanctions. Protests need to step down, but without stripping off their rights. Lastly, the government has to strengthen the military, so that we will not be infiltrated by others and somewhat allow contact with the western world. This will thereby ensure that we reap the benefits of the policies without introducing new problems which may result in the destruction of the USSR.

All in all, Glasnost is too radical and would be detrimental to the Soviet Union. Implementing Glasnost will take away power from the communist government and give too much authority to the citizens. Hence, Glasnost will cause the communist government to lose their influence on the Soviet citizens which may lead to total collapse of the government.

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